Pop-Up Office Hours

JAN 16

Once a month, our district staff will establish a pop-up “office”, hosted by a local church, offering the opportunity for pastors to meet with staff and share a meal together. We hope to increase our accessibility for our pastors through these in-person opportunities and ensure that you feel supported and encouraged by our team. We want to provide a space for you to share the concerns and challenges you may have with our staff so that we can work together to find solutions. All of this should help us achieve our vision of seeing the local church flourish!

Our office hours will be 10A – 2P, and we will provide lunch at 12P. You are welcome to stop in at any time!

Next month we will be at First Church of the Nazarene Richmond Hill, 108-05 95th Ave, South Richmond Hill, NY – on Thursday, January 16th. If you plan to join us for lunch, please RSVP to susan@mnynaz.com by January 13th.


Questions? Please contact:

Pastor Susan Magnuson